In this episode of “The Prophetic Voice Show” Stephen & Eric discuss a very volatile and sensitive issue: The Trump prophecies and the prophets who released them. At some point we have to look back on what was actually said in order to properly judge prophecy which the bible commands us to do. In this video, Stephen and Eric are not coming in a judgmental or critical spirit. They know very well just how hard it is to be a prophet and prophesy over a nation. But Stephen and Eric feel strongly this is a learning moment being given to us by the Lord and we must dig into this and see what God would show us as we look back at this consequential time in the prophetic movement and the nation. Be blessed as you listen and be encouraged. Just because some prophecies have fallen to the ground doesn’t mean that God is done with the prophetic ministry. As we draw closer and closer to the return of Christ the prophetic ministry in his body will undergo more and more refining and purifying, and by the time we reach the end of this age we will see genuine prophets who prophesy in the character and power of their Lord Jesus Christ! Believe it!
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