Lion of Light Ministries
Lion of Light Ministries
About Us
Lion of Light Ministries is a ministry dedicated to loving God and loving people. Our heart's cry is to see the great end-time harvest brought in, to see the bride made ready to meet her king, and prepare the world for the day of the Lord.
Lion of Light Ministries is a prophetic ministry with a call to be a pure & unadulterated voice for the Lord, preaching and teaching the word of God without watering the down the message. It is our desire to represent both the kindness and severity of our God (Rom.11:22), the love and the fear of God, in every way we serve the Lord.
Lion of Light Ministries is a ministry of signs, wonders, miracles, and healing. We believe the gospel should be presented with power. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for them that believe (Rom.1:16). Jesus and the disciples modeled supernatural ministry with signs that followed and confirmed the word they spoke (John 10:38; Mark 16:20).
Lion of Light Ministries is dedicated to reaching the unreached, to going to the darkest poorest places on earth, to minister to the needs of people both spiritually and physically. We're dedicated to feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom to the poor.
Lion of Light Ministries is a ministry that is committed to standing up for Biblical morality in the midst of an ever-increasing culture of sin and lawlessness before God. Our ministry is passionate about fighting for life in the womb, seeing children protected, and seeing a revival of holiness in which the fear of the Lord is known in the streets of America once again.