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In yesterday’s article we began a series talking about people who carry what I call “The Leech Spirit”. These people usually appear as friends during difficult times, but they are ultimately sent as assignments from Satan to gain a leader’s confidence and bring a lot of unnecessary drama into their lives which begins to suck the life out of them and their organization. If this spirit is not detected and discerned quickly, it can cause lots of damage to a person’s life, ministry, or business. In today’s article we’ll continue this discussion, breaking down various character traits of the leech spirit.


This is one of the chief characteristics of someone who has what I call “the leech spirit”. Drama seems to follow them everywhere they go, and they’re not shy about making you a part of that drama and chaos. How do they do that? Once again they come as a friend. They come as an innocent person, a friend in need of help, advice, guidance, and direction from you. But then before you know it all of a sudden their problem is your problem, their stress is your stress, their issues are greatly affecting you, and you don’t know what has happened. You were trying to be the nice guy or girl. You were just trying to serve others humbly, to bear the weaknesses of others as scripture says to do (Gal.6:2), but pretty soon it’s affecting your sleep, your marriage, your family, your finances, and everything else that you can measure in your life. You find yourself having to make some hard decisions which are a direct result of the Leech Spirit’s influence. You have to decide whether or not you’re going to let this person guilt you into this miserable ride for another six months, or cut them off before they suck any more life out of you. This can be very hard for someone to do, especially Christians who are trying to be Christ-like and help the needy. But what you must realize is that you can’t help everyone. You can’t save anyone, only Jesus can save by the power of his Spirit. And you especially can’t help someone who’s not ready to be helped.


When someone is ready to be helped they will actually listen to your advice and take action. Someone who constantly asks for your advice yet doesn’t want to lift a finger to change their lives themselves is someone that is not ready to be helped. This is what people who carry the leech spirit do. They take take take, but they rarely contribute themselves. They’re adult children walking around with baby bottles in the spirit. Like a helpless child who is just looking to latch on to survive, these people seek to latch onto the strong in order to get as many freebies as they can. So along with unnecessary drama and a coy friendly attitude, they have a certain kind of laziness that always makes excuses as to why they don’t want to “do” what’s necessary to change their life.

These people possess very little emotional maturity. Emotional maturity comes after character is formed in a person’s life. Character is usually created by responding correctly to hard situations in life, while learning and growing through it all. People with the leech spirit are not ready to take responsibility, therefore they can’t be helped yet. These kinds of people usually have to hit absolute rock bottom before they can really be helped. They have to learn the lessons that the Lord keeps trying to teach them and submit to the Lord’s dealings, otherwise no one can truly help them. People who try usually just end up enabling their bad behavior.


When someone is ready to be helped they will be willing to start looking in the mirror rather than at everyone else for the answers to their problems. I’ve already touched on this a little in the previous paragraph, but as long as a person is blind to their own behavior, life choices, and habitual nature that is creating chaos and drama in their lives, they are not ready to be helped. The demonic lies which create a state of denial and delusion must be broken. They must come to a certain level of conscientiousness or they will never be able to make the necessary lifestyle changes to get their lives together; they will never be able to make the necessary changes to the way they think and believe to start really walking in the peace and blessing of the Lord. Other people do not have the power to make your life a living hell unless you let them. It usually comes down to the thoughts you choose to think, the beliefs you choose to hold onto, and the choices you make. It’s that simple.


When someone is ready to change they will exhibit both a desire to begin growing and learning. They will show by their actions, not just their words, that they are ready to grow up, take responsibility, and learn from their mistakes. If someone is not ready to change they will have their list of why all the bad things have happened to them and who’s to blame. Everyone is usually on their list except for the most important person: them! This is a clear cut sign that you can’t help someone and you should save yourself and them a lot of time and drama. Leave them to God. God knows how to lead someone through the miry pit, into the trough with the pigs, to snap them out of their childish delusions and prodigal behavior. Many times in trying to keep someone from hitting rock bottom we think we’re doing them a kindness, but in fact we’re enabling them to stay in their bondage. Let’s not be enablers of bad behavior. Let’s be people that move in wisdom and let God have his way with people when they’re not ready to change.

Tomorrow we will finish this week’s written series. I pray this has been a blessing to you thus far.

In His Service,

Stephen Powell



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