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In this video Stephen gives a timely message on the “power of our words”. How we use words (one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind), and how we use discretion with words determines the value they actually have. Many prophets today are misusing their words because, from what Stephen sees, there’s a crossover from the business world that has occurred where we’ve been trained to drive engagement on social media at all costs. God is looking for a correction in this area and for integrity to be restored in a way that when we do have serious messages to get across they are taken seriously because our yes is our yes and our no is our no (Matt.5:37). Please prayerfully consider this message and if you’re one who has crossed this line in this area repent now. God is looking for humble vessels to mantle in new levels of authority, even authority in the spoken word. The authority of the spoken word, even when it comes to the miraculous, will be one of the defining characteristics of the bride in the days to come. God is currently looking for humble vessels who would walk worthy of this calling!


#powerofwords #speakit #spokenword #authority #urgentword


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