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In this video Stephen talks about a very important issue which many people across the body of Christ are currently dealing with: exposure! When times of high tension, stress, hardship, adversity, and struggle come, such as we’re experiencing now around the world, often what comes out of a person in terms of attitudes and behaviors has always been there. Hardship just has a way of manifesting it and exposing it. Like the oil that comes forth once it’s put through the press, now people’s hearts and souls are in a press of sorts, and all sorts of things are coming out. But we must remember, our God is always redemptive. Every new season and every new challenge has its own silver lining. God has blessings in it for everyone if we know where to look and how to use what’s manifesting. Right now God is exposing strongholds of the heart through the different ways which people are being “emotionally triggered” over certain issues. The only question is will you use this to learn and grow or will you allow the moment to pass you by. Deal with the issues as they come up and we believe God intends to bring you to a whole new level in your life spiritually in this next season! Bless you!


#emtionaltriggers #triggers #emotions #thesoul #strongholds


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