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Some of you may remember, but earlier this year I had a series of dreams one night at the end of February which began with me watching a man walking out into a desert and suddenly turning into a fox. What I didn’t share at the time was that that dream was actually a part of a series of dreams which I had that night. Here is one of the other main dreams I had that night, which like the fox dream, also has prophetic significance for the times we’re living in.


In this dream I found myself standing outside a large compound which was being guarded by men with guns. Suddenly a group of police officers stormed the compound to conduct a random search of the premises for illegal guns. In the dream I knew that the only guns which were legal were ones with “long barrels”. If it was a rifle of any kind the barrel could not be sawed off in order for it to be legal to carry.

I saw one of the officers walk up to a man holding such a rifle which appeared to have a long barrel. The officer took the weapon from the man and began to examine it more closely. Suddenly the officer called over some back up and He proceeded to arrest that man who the rifle belonged to. Apparently the man had been swapping out the long barrel for a short barrel in secret, and somehow the officer detected this through examining it. This was a violation so immediately He was arrested and put in jail.

Here’s what I believe the Lord to be saying through this dream.


The different rifles represent different prophetic ministries operating in the church today, in particular the ones who have fortified their position concerning what they believe they heard about the 2020 election and the future of America. At the time, in January & February, I was still spending extended times in the presence of the Lord praying specifically for America. I was also asking the Lord for understanding concerning these issues facing the prophetic movement, so having received other dreams and messages from the Lord (even on this particular night) which were clearly answers to those questions and prayers, I believe I received by the Spirit that this dream was about the same subject.

The short barrels make me think of a sawed off shotgun. The reason why people saw the barrel of a shotgun down and make it shorter is to make the “spread” wider so it’s more efficient for short range damage. B there’s a catch. In exchange for effectiveness at close range it loses long distance accuracy. I felt that this represents how many prophets willingly shortened their barrels (which is to say they shortened their prophetic gaze for the immediate and temporal, instead of disciplining themselves spiritually and emotionally to stay engaged in God’s voice for the long term, which is usually how true turn-arounds in nations or regions play out. It usually takes a long term strategy and plan for great change to take place in a nation, but people don’t want to wait for the long term so their flesh creates a powerful market for short-sided prophetic ministry.

When shortening their gaze in an attempt to “hit” the target (which is to say prophesying accurately for the immediate and pressing issues of the day), they (the prophets) surrendered their long distance accuracy. In other words, by getting too caught up in trying to prophesy the immediate turn-around of America, feeling the expectation & excitement that came with Trump’s stunning race to the White House, they compromised accuracy with their voices (their guns) which requires a vision and appreciation for the long game. It requires seeing in the long term to really grasp prophetically what God will have to do to really bring change to nation and a people.

I pray this has been a blessing to you so far. Do please send us your comments and thoughts as you read through these articles. Let us know what you think or if you have any insight to add. We always love hearing from you. We will continue this series of articles tomorrow.

In his Service,

Stephen Powell



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