In this video Stephen talks about why most pastors and churches “throw out revival” or a “move of God” when it comes to their city. It’s primarily because they see flesh manifesting in the move and they can’t separate that from what God’s doing. The same is true of our President. Trump is leading a movement in America, and in the world, that God is absolutely in and absolutely working through, but many people are throwing him and the move out because they see his flesh.
Stephen also talks about how during difficult times like these we have to give each other grace. It’s not easy dealing with some of the things we’re being faced with as Christians in this hour, and that includes understanding what to do with Trump. Some christians and leaders feel that if they show support for Trump they’re also showing support for his bad character as well. We understand, and many people in ministry feel this way as well saying, “If I support my brother does that mean I’m supporting the things He teaches that I don’t agree with as well?”. Ultimately we all have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord daily (Phil.2:12), and do the best we can. No one’s perfect, no one’s going to handle difficult situations with perfection. What matters is that we walk the best we can according to our conscience and convictions and keep Jesus the center. We pray this video is a blessing and encouragement to you! #Trump #revival #MAGA #walkingwithgod #convictions
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