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Many people today are recognizing the incredible relationship the evangelical church has developed with President Trump over the past five years since He first came on the political scene, announced his candidacy, and took the nation by storm. For some people this is great, this is only something that can help our country. For others, it crosses a line into idolatry that causes people to take their eyes off of Jesus and focus too much on a man. I understand and empathize with both these viewpoints, but I feel we must see a very important truth concerning our President at this moment, and this is it: Jesus is manifesting in and through this man for the nation and the world. There is no denying this.

Now that statement may come as a shock for some because in many people’s minds God only manifests through the most worthy. But if we’re to be true to the scriptures and true to the truth of God’s word we must not limit the abundance of his grace, the marvelous working of his power through unworthy vessels. His grace touches all and He can work through anyone at any time for his glory. All of us, including men like President Donald Trump, live and move and have our being in the Lord (Acts 17:28). It was at Mars Hill in Athens that Paul made this statement to heathens who were actually worshipping the “unknown god” whom Paul revealed to them as Jehovah. And as it’s been aptly put since Trump was raised up to the presidency, even Cyrus did not know God, but that didn’t stop God from using him to break in pieces the gates of bronze, to cut the bars of iron, and subdue nations (Is.45:1-2).

So the point I’m trying to make is this,... at times when we look at President Trump we're seeing the Lord work through him and it’s right and just to accept this and affirm this.

Among many leaders in the church there’s a certain caution which says that if we support a leader in the earth too much that somehow that takes away from our affection and allegiance to the Lord. Some leaders also feel that to support Trump is to support his unsanctified behavior as well. But I would say it is possible to support Trump, support what God’s doing through him, and also not support his unsanctified behavior. I think it’s also possible to not support his bad behavior but also give him grace understanding the enormous amount of witchcraft and unfair attacks He’s been under for years, mercilessly night and day. I don’t hear a lot of Christians who criticize our President for some of his behavior and rhetoric acknowledging this obvious factor in the “Trump equation” if you will, and that disturbs me. It’s my personal opinion that Trump is a very kind and civil man, as long as you treat him with dignity and respect (which he is owed by the way, being in this office). As the media and the leftist demonic machine has unfairly, and at times unlawfully, waged war on this President and the American people, President Trump has responded with a warrior’s spirit. For Christian criticizers to not acknowledge this is either dishonest, disingenuous, or the mark of people that have slid under the demonic cloud of the left’s deception and witchcraft. To me this is clear.

I would say that at times, especially in extraordinary times like these where the destiny of a nation rests on the edge of a knife, that to not fully support a certain leader is to not fully support what the Lord is doing. Be careful of your lack of fervency and zeal to fight with and for this President now dear church leader. Apathy in this moment when it comes to fighting for this nation, I believe to be apathy for the Lord’s precious work in this land. Yes, we must not have any gods before the Lord, we must continually tear down idols in our hearts, but to me personally Trump is not an idol. He’s a blessed leader sent from the Lord. I can acknowledge that He’s a man, but I can also see that He’s not an ordinary man, and to support him and fight with him is to submit to the plan of God in this hour for our nation. Will we become a communist nation and slip into deeper darkness spiritually and morally as a nation, or will we fight with this man that God has raised up to see the ruins raised up and the America that our forefathers fought and bled for restored?

My appeal to leaders now is to put aside petty “side issues” right now for the sake of the main task at hand which must be accomplished, which is seeing this election steal stopped. What’s happening now with some Christian leaders reminds me of the leader who misses the revival because all they can see is the people that are acting out in the flesh when the spirit floods the room. Yes, of course there’s hero worship, of course there’s “flesh” among the Christians who are supporting Trump, but look deeper than that now and see the move of God. Don’t just see it, but engage it and be a part of what God’s doing right now in this nation!

In His Service,
Stephen Powell
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