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(1 Cor.15:26)
“The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.”

(Song of Solomon 8:6)
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame.”

There is a love that is stronger than death, that will ultimately defeat death itself, and that love is the love of Jesus released at the cross. The love that Jesus walked in was a power that the tomb could not hold down. The power of that love brought him forth in three days time, in resurrection power and glory. Love defeated death in him, and love will ultimately defeat death in us as well.

We have this precious promise in scripture that death is the last enemy, and that last enemy will be defeated and destroyed. One of the most powerful manifestations of the spirit of death that we see in our world today is cancer. Cancer is unlike any other disease known to the medical community. It is a unique and powerful grim reaper that continues to torment families of the earth today, but in Christ we have this hope that death, along with the agent of cancer, will be defeated and destroyed!

Over the last several years I’ve had a number of prophetic experiences in which the Lord has shown me both an increase of anointing & authority over the spirit of death & cancer that is coming. I’ve seen the Shekinah glory of God move into meetings and camp for days, weeks, and months, and wherever this glory came and remained, there cancer could not be found. These atmospheres created extended meetings which we call “revival”, and people came from all over to experience the manifest presence of God and to find relief from what troubled them. The unusually high number of cancer patients being healed was a sign of the latter glory coming on the house of God. A greater glory which speaks of a last great move of God which will eventually see death itself defeated.

I want to encourage you today, if you’re struggling with sickness, if you’ve seen this evil of cancer attack your family, God is good and He has a plan in place to manifestly deal with all the evil and all the works of the devil that we still see in this world. It started with Jesus and the cross and it will end with the manifested sons of God, the bridal company arising in these last days to fully apprehend their inheritance in Christ, which includes resurrection power, glory, and even authority over death itself!

In His Service,
Stephen Powell

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