In this video Stephen points out a basic flaw which is due to human nature which we find in all walks of life: Having a double standard when it comes to dealing with people. It is human nature to show favoritism toward some and therefore treat some differently than you treat others, but in the eyes of God it is unjust and unrighteous. We must to the best of our ability strive to treat others, whether they are small or great in the eyes of man, with the same amount of love, fairness, and accountability, because God is going to show no partiality on the day of judgment. Currently we’re seeing prophets treated with a different standard in the charismatic church and it’s quite disturbing if you really consider what’s happening. Be blessed as you listen to Stephen’s perspective on this issue, and be sure to look over the scriptures that He presents to get a full understanding of what the Lord would say on this relevant issue at this time.
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