Dear friends and partners,
After taking an extended time off from the road (almost four months now) I’m excited to announce that I’m hitting the road again to travel and minister!
The last set of meetings I did right before the election, in late October last year, was with Dana Coverstone and several others in Louisiana. Up to those meetings my main emphasis on the road had been praying and standing in the gap for America. Many of my regular revival meetings that I would have normally preached at on the road were switched to prayer meetings, where we devoted extra time to fasting and praying for the election and the nation. After that last set of meetings right before the election, I then took off from the road all of November, December, and January, to continue to pray for the nation and be engaged in the battle for justice and righteousness online in whatever way I could. As many of you know very well, I was disappointed (to say the least) to see that long season of extended prayer and spiritual warfare end with Joe Biden being inaugurated on January 20th. But I know that our prayers did not go unheard. I know that it’s never a waste of time to pray and stand in the gap for what is right, and I trust God with the results. Who’s to know how impacting this season of prayer, which so many have engaged in, will be in the future after we one day get to heaven and see God open the books and show us the fruit of our labors and faith! God doesn’t lose one prayer and he does not ignore the sincere praying heart. This I know saints!
I do know that “it’s not over’ (however you want to take that) for America, but even more so I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's not over for the kingdom of God! Despite what these insane leftists are doing to our nation, as for me and my house, as for me and this ministry, we’re going to continue to serve the Lord! We’re going to preach the gospel however we can as long as we can, and now, at this time, I have definitely heard the Lord to start going back out again to minister around the nation (and nations as I’m able to).
I’ve been so encouraged of late to hear from a good number of you, including pastors and leaders who have reached out to my wife and I to thank us for our ministry and for our biblical based teaching. More than ever before we need to cleave to God’s word and base everything we do and say upon it. Some of these pastors have asked us to come in and teach and encourage their people during this difficult time, so I’m excited to announce there will be some new churches I’m going to here soon, and some new states that I’ve never had the privilege of ministering in before! If you’re a pastor or a leader of a ministry and you would like to get in on one of our ministry tours this year, be sure to contact us soon so we can fit you into the schedule! Our trips will include California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, a trip to the midwest, a trip to the northeast, and much more! I’m excited to see some of my old friends and to meet some new friends this year as we partner together to advance the kingdom despite what the Devil is trying to do!
And with that, I will say that due to things like Facebook’s shadow banning censorship of our accounts and demonetizing our videos which has crippled our ministry finances significantly of late, we do need your help in getting back on the road. Travel expenses have to be set aside and I have to also make sure that my wife and children’s needs are met at home as I begin to travel and do the Lord’s work again on my evangelistic itinerant circuits. So, if you feel led, please use one of the links below to give a tax deductible gift today. You can also mail us a check if that would make you feel more comfortable. Just refer to the address below for that info. We’re believing the Lord for an immediate $3,000 to come in to help us get back out on the road soon and not have to go into debt doing it.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration on this matter. May the Lord richly bless you, keep you, and lead you into all truth in this hour. And hopefully I’ll have the privilege of seeing you in person very soon at one of our meetings! Look for more information soon as it’s made available about the specifics of our upcoming events!
In His Service,
Stephen Powell
*** To donate
Checks made out to “Lion of Light Ministries”
PO Box 912 | Maricopa, AZ 85139