In this video Stephen tells about a terrifying spiritual experience He had last year while staying in someone’s house which proved to him beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are absolutely demons/fallen angels that are visiting charismatic christians, leaders, and movements as angels of light. This was one of the scariest encounters Stephen has ever had, as an angel of light proceeded to enter his room at night masquerading in what felt like a genuine anointing from God. As the angel made its way around the foot of Stephen’s bed to the side, it then proceeded to instantly shift into a being of evil and darkness and started to physically choke Stephen. Stephen prayed in the spirit and pleaded the blood of Jesus when this happened, and finally after about a minute, the creature released Stephen’s throat and He could breathe again.
This encounter brings to light a very serious issue that’s happening in the Charismatic Church today. There’s been an infiltration of demonic spirits into many ministries in spirit-filled movements and most of these people that are working with these evil spirits are completely deceived and don’t know it. Listen intently as Stephen teaches from God’s word about this sobering spiritual reality, and be determined afresh in your heart that you will accept nothing other than biblical-based pure Christianity. Mixture is not an option in these last days if you want to stay free.
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