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After much prayer and consideration, I have decided to say some things pertaining to the ongoing injustice and sin of Rick Joyner and Todd Bentley. Because of the price that my family and I paid in 2019 when I first engaged in this justice issue, I’d prefer to not say anything or re-engage this at all. Since the leadership panel released their judgment on the matter five years ago, I’ve said nothing about Todd Bentley or Rick Joyner. These last five years I’ve been very content to love God, love my family, love the people that God has called me to minister to, and live a simple life that honors the Lord. Even when the scandal erupted in August of 2024 involving Rick Joyner, the student that Chris Reed abused, and the children that were assaulted on Morningstar’s property, I still kept silent. But as months have gone by and leaders have remained silent, I’ve decided that I cannot in good conscience move forward with my life and ministry without taking a stand for justice. Rick Joyner is a man who seems dead-set on perpetually bearing false witness, perverting biblical justice, and re-traumatizing victims of clergy sexual abuse with his outrageous sermons, rants, and ministry decisions. Because of this, I cannot move forward without speaking up for the most weak and vulnerable among us.

I wish to state right from the beginning of this stand, that my intent is not to do harm to Rick, his family, or Morningstar Ministries. I only wish to stand up for victims, call for accountability, and expose wrongdoing so others can be saved from future harm, which I’m fully convinced will happen if Rick Joyner is allowed to stay in power. I also feel I must take a righteous stand once again at this time and be an advocate for major reforms in the Charismatic Church because I believe a holy God is calling for this. Leaders of the Charismatic movement, as well as leaders of Morningstar Ministries (namely their board of directors that have direct authority over Rick and his ministry) have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not willing to do anything to hold Rick accountable for his ongoing sin and reprehensible behavior. For this reason I’ll be pleading my case to the public, which is what I believe scripture and wisdom calls for in this situation (1 Tim.5:20). I’ll also be joining Emily Elston to help her in whatever way I can with her grassroots initiative that she has started to call for accountability with Rick Joyner and Morningstar Ministries. Please visit her website, read her statement that she’s put out, and sign her petition if you agree that Rick and his ministry need to be held accountable for their actions (visit:

In closing, I wish to state in the strongest possible terms: let these words and this case that I bring forward to the public be a rebuke to Rick Joyner, the ministry of Morningstar, and the leaders of the Charismatic Church who continue to stay silent and do nothing in the face of great injustice and sin. Let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream in this hour, in Jesus’ name (Amos 5:24)!

Stephen Powell
 Lion of Light Ministries


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