In 2017 I had a very powerful angel appear to me and tell me about the judgment that would come on America (which I believe began in 2020). But one thing that this angel told me before he disappeared was that I would help to bring hope during these troubled times.
I’ve often thought about that down through the years, saying to myself, “How can I bring hope to a world that has gone so wrong?” It “feels” at times like there is no hope. It “feels” like there’s no coming back from what the sex revolution unleashed on society with open accepted celebrated abominations being pushed on the people with such alarming success. It feels like there’s no coming back from socialism, global communism, the deterioration of the family, the home, the institutions of the church and marriage, and on and on it goes. But the Lord told me plainly that there is hope and I was called to give it away to God’s people and the church.
As some of you may know I’ve been studying the life of Winston Churchill. One of the things that made him such a perfect leader for the times was what Churchill historians called his “buoyancy of spirit”. When he was down he always found a way to rise again, and he was able to raise the spirits of the everyone in Britain when it seemed all hope was lost and the Nazi invasion was imminent. I believe Donald Trump has been very similar in many ways. I believe one of his greatest traits is also how much he gives people hope. He always speaks faith and gives hope that if we work together we can make America great again.
So in this brief word today, I just want to encourage you dear reader with this: as long as God is with us there’s always hope. Don’t despair saints. We are under judgment as a nation for various things, but there’s always hope. God has great things for us! Believe it and receive it for this new year, 2022!
Bless you,
Stephen Powell
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