In the previous article we opened up this revelation on the fall, the redemption, and the glorification of man found in three simple verses at the beginning of the majestic book of Psalms. We saw clearly by revelation Adam’s fall and sin’s power and hold over mankind in the first verse of the Psalms. In this article we will continue unfolding this revelation, as we explore verse two of (Psalm 1) where we will see clearly mankind’s restoration through Christ! I pray this is a blessing to you.
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”
First of all, we must understand that Jesus is the delight of the Father. Jesus is the renown Son of God, in whom the Father delighted.
(Matt.3:17) AMP
“And behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased and delighted!”
This is a picture of grace that we see between our Father and his sons and daughters. Because the Father delighted in Christ, Christ’s life was lived to delight the Father. As God delights in us, we are empowered by his grace to delight in him and live a life that is well-pleasing to him. This is God working in us to both will and to do of his good pleasure and delight. This is the miracle of grace.
“for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”
In the Old Testament, before the Spirit of grace had been poured out, most of the time it was not a delight for God’s people to do God’s will and pleasure. They were sticknecked, stubborn, rebellious, and always prone to wander from God’s path and ways. But because Jesus has come, when we receive Him His love is shed abroad in our hearts through grace (Rom.5:5), and our conscience becomes alive unto God (Rom.6:11). His law is now written on the tablets of our hearts and we become living epistles (Jer.31:31-34; Rom.2:12-16). Do you know what that means? That means that it is now our delight to do the Father’s will! We are now empowered by grace, empowered by love, and empowered by God from the inside to both will and to do of his good pleasure, just like Jesus!
“I delight to do Your will, O my God, And Your law is within my heart.”
Recently I’ve been helping my wife with our youngest son Rowyn and his schooling. He’s a lot like I was when I was his age, in that He needs motivation in order to follow through and do his schooling at the level of excellence we’re requiring of him. If the motivation is strong enough, then He’s able to dig deep and find the focus and determination He needs to do things that aren’t as fun. This is what grace does for us in denying sin and living fully for God. We become filled with the knowledge of our rewards, the knowledge and pleasure of God’s presence and power, and we are driven by grace into deeper communion with the Father and further from the lifestyle we used to know as sinners. Isn’t that amazing?!
This is truly a secret for sons and daughters, which I see in Psalm 1:2, and I see in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God delights in us, we delight in Him by grace. As we delight in the law of the Lord, it causes us to meditate and think about Him and His ways constantly. That’s love, when He’s always on your mind!
Let’s look at the verse one more time before moving to verse three:
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”
In this verse I see the restoration of mankind through Christ Jesus, because without Jesus and without grace we cannot do verse two. We cannot delight in the law of the Lord, and we cannot meditate in it day and night without the grace that comes through Christ. Some of you might say, “Well Stephen, this verse was written in the Old Testament, surely there were some that were experiencing it, since it was written in that time?”. And I would say yes, there were some, such as David, who were experiencing it. But it’s a widely held position among scholars that people like David were experiencing aspects of the New Covenant during the Old Covenant era that they gained access to somehow through revelation. David is a great example of one who “tasted of the power of the age to come” (Heb.6:5) before the New Covenant age actually came. It says it right there in (Heb.6:5)! You can taste the power of the age to come if you receive the revelation of it by the Spirit. That’s what David did in his time, but make no mistake about it, this verse is describing a new covenant reality in Christ Jesus our Lord. It is his grace and his grace alone that causes us to delight in God, in His ways, and in His word. It is the grace of Christ Jesus our Lord that causes us to be consumed by his glory, so much so that we can’t stop thinking about Him and his ways day and night! What an awesome God we serve!
In tomorrow’s article we will finish this discussion on the fall, redemption, and glorification of man revealed through (Ps.1:1-3)!
In His Service,
Stephen Powell
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