In this video Stephen shares about a dream he had in which He saw the hand of God come down out of heaven in the darkness and cast pieces of bread on the surface of a running river. The bible says in (Ecc.11:1) to cast your bread upon the waters and you will find it after many days. This verse speaks of trusting God with your sustenance (the bread). It speaks of trusting God through sowing (casting your bread upon the waters) and reaping (receiving it back after many days), even during dark times. The Lord wants to remind his church that even when it’s darkest and you can’t see any light, the Lord by his grace will always give you the supernatural ability to look to his “hand”. His hand is his power, his provision, which never falters and never weakens. Like Isaac in (Gen.26), if you look to God you can sow during a time of famine and God will still multiply your seed, even when others harvests are failing. Look to the Lord during this troubling time, and if you have a need sow a seed. God promises to meet you on those grounds of faith. He will never let you down!
#sowingandreaping #prosperity #faithseed #giving #trustgod
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